Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mom, an Ostrich Bit my Finger and It Really Hurt! 10/26/2015

Yes. It's true. It really did bite my finger! So last monday, the whole district went to this Ostrich farm in Solvang, and I was standing there taking a picture after we fed the ostriches, AND IT BITE MY FINGER!!!!! I screamed and ran away. Luckily, I found that Ostriches don't have teeth, so it didn't bite my finger OFF, but it did leave a mark for like 5 minutes. And my companion even got a picture of it eye-balling my finger right before it bit me! Ignore how ugly I look, it was super windy and dusty, and let's be real I don't get ready on P-day anyways. 

Also, I forgot to tell you last week that on sunday night, we were driving home and there were a bunch of protestors holding up signs that said, "Prayer works," "We love Jesus," "honk for Jesus," etc. And they were chanting, "WE LOVE JESUS, YES WE DO, WE LOVE JESUS HOW 'BOUT YOU?!" And then they would cheer super loud if someone honked. Hahaha it was super crazy. We should have given them a Book of Mormon! 

So last week one day we had planned to go make cookies with this member and then deliver them to people with her, but she had to cancel right before, so we had to figure out something else. We really felt like we should go to Mission Hills, so we just went, and used names that we had picked for the next week during weekly planning. We were about to go to this one house, and Hna Pirir said, "Oh I remember this house. They told us they weren't interested because they are catholic." But we decided to knock anyways, and a man named Valetin answered the door. We talked for a little bit and he asked how old me were, and then he told us, "I think I would need someone more experienced and intelligent to teach me." (He didn't say it rudely - that's just how it translates into English, don't worry.) But none the less, the idea of him not accepting our message based off of how old me were made prideful little Hermana Ricks super mad and determined to not leave until he knew that we were representatives of Jesus Christ with powerful testimonies, and an important message to share. We talked for a really long time and he kept asking us multiple questions to try and bash our testimonies, because he didn't think we were old enough to ACTUALLY believe what we were teaching. One of these questions was, "Do you know who you were before you came here?" By the time we got to this point, I was trying to use every ounce of my testimony that I could. I told him, "Yes. Before I came here, I was a valiant fighter and supporter of Jesus Christ. I knew His plan, and I fought for it. I knew why I was coming here, and I know now through the power of the Holy Ghost why I am here." I then asked Valentin if he knew why he was here. He said he knew where he was before, but when I asked him what the point of life was he said, "No, I forgot. What is it?" I told him it is to learn and prepare to return to live with God and our families for eternity, and inherit all that the Father has." By the end he said, "Thank you for reminding me." We then gave him a Book of Mormon, told him he could find his purpose in that book, and he told us we could come back to teach him. It was one of the most exhausting lessons I've had, but so cool to see how the power of the spirit was able to humble to man. 

I hope you all have a great week!! Thank you for everything! :) 

<3 Hermana Trystan Ricks 

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