Monday, March 14, 2016

So many Miracles! 03/14/2016

Hello Family! How are you all? It has been super rainy and cold here the last few days..but it's probably warmer than Idaho!

Last tuesday we travelled down to Ventura for Mission Leadership Council and then Hna Eames had to visit a Chiropractor in Ventura so that took all day. We had fun though! Every other MLC, Sister Felix makes the most delicious breakfast ever, and we get to eat at the mission home before the meeting. It was fun to see everyone at MLC! It was the last time I will see Hna Griffes because she is going home at the end of this transfer. I lived with her my first transfer too, so it's super weird! She will be coming to school in Idaho like a week after too, so you'll all have to meet her. I learned a lot at the meeting about the spirit, and also about the importance of prayers. Prayers are such a simple thing, but they are so powerful! We can always look for ways to improve our prayers. Something Hna Eames and I have been talking about recently is how incredible it is that every day, we get to kneel down before a king and explain what we did to battle for him that day. 

Wednesday I went on exchanges with Hna Miller! I have never served around her before, but she is really cute. We had a really huge miracle together! We felt like we should go visit this lady we had met a few weeks earlier that had a little "Herbal Life" store, and we walked in and there was another lady named Elvia that we have now run into three times in different places of the city! She asked us about what happens to people that die, and then told us that her sun was killed while trying to cross the border when he was 19. We got to share a little bit of God's plan with her, and it was so amazing! I think Heavenly Father wants us to teach her.. 

Hna Miller also goes home at the end of the transfer, and she said she had asked her dad for some last mission advice and he said, "Make everyone you talk to know they are loved." I love that! So many people feel lonley or unappreciated or inadequate, and these are all lies that satan tries to deceive us with! When we truly know that we are children of a Heavenly Father who loves us, we are able to feel it and then spread that to others. We should always strive to make those around us feel loved! I think one of the greatest things I have learned recently is the importance of offering those around us the benefit of the doubt. Usually people do not mean to offend us. Often hurt feelings come from miscommunications or a lack of perspective, and we can avoid a lot of it by trying to put ourselves in each other's shoes. And then realize that the only person who really does understand is the Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Thursday we set another investigator with a baptismal date! His name is Samuel Cano. Please keep him in your prayers! He is so amazing. He has been learning from the missionaries for a long time, and he is reading in the Book of Mormon every day and trying to know if this is the truth. His baptismal date is April 9th!

And also keep Maira in your prayers! She is preparing to be baptized on April 1st. She is doing awesome. We got to teach  her about the Plan of Salvation this week, and she was so excited about that! We saw her twice after that and both times she referred to something she learned during the lesson. It is amazing to know about Heavenly Father's plan for us! We do have a purpose in this life. And we have so many things to help us along the way! Jesus Christ and his atonement being the biggest one. 

The area is doing well. We haven't had ward council this entire transfer - they keep cancelling it. But we still communicate pretty well with the branch president. We had a miracle yesterday! There is a less active familia  - la familia Lopez - and they haven't been to church in over a year! Last week our branch president asked if we could try to see if they would come meet with him on sunday morning. They said yes originally and then called and cancelled right before. So we reset it for the next week. They called again yesterday morning, but we just didn't answer that time because we didn't want them to be able to cancel! :) hehe. And then we walked into the church and they were sitting there on the couch with all 5 of their boys waiting to meet with the branch president. One of their boys even got sick with the flu that morning, and they still came! They weren't able to stay at church because of it, but we introduced them to the Primary President (who happens to be Tiffany Rigby!), and they said they would come the next week!

Sorry I can't think of any funny stories right now.. I know they happened! Most of them have to do with creepy latinos hittin on my companion. jajaja 

Love ya'll!! 

<3 Hermana Trystan Ricks 

Hermana Griffes

"Heart Attacking" our investigator, Marta's, door!

Our super healthy lunch with Hna's Soriano and Green

This is our friend Squirtle. He likes fingers!

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